In this hectic life which is restless and full of expectations, sometimes we forget to realize the motto of our lives. After all, we are competing in this world only for a quality life and sometimes it is felt that we are forgetting our goal. So, it becomes imperative to realize the different ways of our day-to-day activities which keeps our mind and body in tandem so that we can have a smooth ride. Let us try to discuss these ways one by one in a very scientific way.
1-Getting up early:
It is advisable for all to get up early which means we must go for an early sleep as we need to sync mind and body with a schedule. Getting up early has many benefits as time is always quiet and peaceful. We can go for a walk, do early morning exercises and meditation etc. If we get up early, we have more time to plan our day's actions with a very cool mind.
Meditation is the process of quieting the mind in order to spend time in thought for relaxation which ultimately leads us to peace happiness and bliss. In detail, if we talk about its benefits, meditation helps us in reducing stress, promotes health, generates positivity, enhances memory and concentration, helps to get rid of addictions, promotes good sleep, and enhances emotional stability.
The technique of meditation is all about self-awareness through breathing techniques and feel of different sensations in our body. Visit: https://www.dhamma.org/en/index
3-Physical Exercise:
Physical exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to our tissues resulting in the improved health of our heart and lungs which helps us to tackle our daily schedule more efficiently. It helps us to control our blood sugar level, it improves our mood, boosts energy, we get good sleep, is important for our sex life and it is, after all, fun and helps us to be more social. Just imagine going to a nearby park where we can meet our fellow citizens, share a light moment and begin a fresh friendship. It really pays rather lying shiftless in our bed. Visit: https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/in-depth/exercise/art-20048389
4-Restraint From Fight:
For leading a peaceful life, it is always important to restrain ourselves, as we may come across many triggers, but we have to be patient as we can’t afford to lose our mental calm which can disturb our day-to-day schedule leading to stress. I know it is difficult to be calm when somebody talks or acts non-sense, but we have to find other ways to react rather than fighting. I am sure when you will start meditating you will learn to control your emotions in a better way. 
5-Never Be Judgmental:
It is seen often we enjoy passing our views about others without thinking from the perspective of others.  It results in misjudgment leading to prejudice which becomes the base of our tension. So, we must avoid judging a person without knowing about the background for the benefit of our own peace.
6- Smile Always:
A smile is an easiest and cheapest way to stay relaxed. A smile is thought to change our brain chemistry. Smiling activates neural messages which help us to be healthy and happy. Besides health smiles make us more attractive, so that we are more acceptable in society. So keep on smiling it helps.
7-Be Confident:
Confidence in us is a very important ingredient if we want to lead a peaceful life. See there are many constraints in this competitive world, but we have to deal with them patiently, whether we are with our family members, friends or colleagues we must learn to be confident. For inculcating confidence, we have to push through self-limiting beliefs. Never stretch yourself beyond your capacity and try to focus on things you are interested in. It is advisable to stop thinking too much about our future. We must think positive always and overcome confidence, by discussing with our parents, friends or colleagues.
8-Eat Good And Healthy Food:
Proper and balanced food is always advisable for a healthy life. Avoid junk food and prefer fresh fruits instead. It is the lack of proper and nutritious food which results in our health issues and if our health is not up to the mark, it surely affects our mental balance and we start getting irritated.
9-Avoid Negative Thoughts On Social Media:
In today’s world, it is very important as we use to spend quality time on social media. Knowingly or unknowingly, it affects our mental peace if we start chatting, responding or sharing negative thoughts. It may seem to be hilarious for some but it is true, it gives your mind negative vibrations and you lose mental peace. Instead, if you start focusing on positive thoughts, you will certainly feel the difference. You will definitely feel inner peace. So next time be careful when you are on a social site.
10-Learn To listen:
It is observed many times that we react instantly without listening properly, to what the other person wants to convey. It is considered a bad habit as it occasionally leads to confusion and we start arguing unnecessarily which could have been avoided otherwise. Listening patiently is an art we all must learn before any reaction. It is also important to think from others' perspectives before making a final judgment. After all, we are social beings and can’t think of ourselves in isolation.
11-Speak Mildly:
For our mental peace, it is very important to speak mildly. We must have noticed many guys conversing very loudly; it gives a very negative impression; besides it results in losing our mental balance. So, it is very imperative to speak very mildly without stretching your face muscles. You will definitely get more social respect and you will feel an inner calm.
12-Forgive Others:
It is again a very important factor for a peaceful life. It is ok; nobody is perfect in this world. If we feel we are good in some traits but definitely we must be lacking somewhere else. So, never remember the fault of others for a long time and learn to forgive. Believe me, it is a great feeling if you forgive others and it helps to realize their fault. Keeping so many things in our minds is like carrying unnecessary baggage over our heads, so it is important to get rid of that baggage as soon as possible.
13-Find Time For Playing:
Games are thought to be an instant mood lifter, there is something for everyone. Games bring people together and play a great role to build us both emotionally as well as physically. Games also teach us the spirit of patience and courage.
14-Spend Time With Guys Who Think Positive:
As the environment plays a very important role in our character building, it becomes imperative to choose our companions very carefully. As we know everybody in this world comes from a different background, how they are grown up, how many values they have been taught, what is their genetics etc. So it is crazy to think that everyone must run as per our whims. What we can do is choose our friends carefully, those who can give us positive vibes and help us realize our bright future.
15-Never Complaint Bluntly:
This is definitely a tricky situation; the first thought comes why I should not complain if something is not up to the mark or wrong. It is alright you have all the right to complain but what I want to emphasize here is that we need to be a little diplomatic here. After all, our goal is to get the work done properly, and for that, we need not lose our peace. First, try to find out if the other person is in the right state of mind, then see if you can fix the problem yourself, if not mention it as a message to the guy you want to convey rather than ordering him/her, see the difference. You will get your work done judiciously in a very friendly manner without hurting anybody’s ego.
16-Manage Money:
Very very important as money matters. It is very important to manage your money to avoid stressing yourself. What actually happens is that sometimes, we spend more money than what we earn. There are many reasons, like we are the victim of some complex and try to make a point, sometimes we are thinking only for a short period and don’t plan for long etc. And after we exhaust our resources; we start borrowing and sometimes doing some acts which are not ethical. All this leads to our restlessness and we start worrying.
17-Control Your Lust For Greed:
It is often true that we stretch ourselves beyond limits for our greed. It results in restlessness as we include ourselves as a member of the mad race prevailing in society. We must control this temptation with our positive thoughts. We must remember the words from the great poet and actor William Shakespeare.”We are actors and all the world is a stage.”As a stage is not a permanent thing, the same is true with life we are here for a fixed period of time and we have to live that period in a very dignified manner. We are not here to compete with anybody but with ourselves. We have to live for our peace of mind and enjoy our lives in a very satisfactory way.
18-Never Think Yourself As A Boss To Control Everyone All Around.
It is often observed that we are tempted to teach everyone in and around us and wish them to change as per our whims and fancies. This is perhaps the most misadventure we indulge ourselves in. As discussed earlier also, like our different fingerprints, our mindset is also different owing to various factors like our background, the way we had been brought up, our genetics etc. So it is not advisable to criticize somebody without proper thinking.  Criticism is perhaps the easiest path to follow in this society and self-introspection is the most difficult one. My dear readers, it is always advisable to opt for the difficult path in order to lead a peaceful life. You will definitely find a way. Thanks and I Love you all


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